Thursday, 27 September 2012

Awesome people

The way you now if you are awesome or not is if:
Just be yourself! Everybody's equal so we can all be awesome at the same time! If your friends say that you need to change to be their friend, say no! I'm fine the way I am! Because no matter how you dress or how you look its all about your personality! Just be yourself! That is what I think! And i know that I have great friends because they like me the way I am. And thats how everybody should feel about everybody. So I say if your friends say you have to change then don't be their friend! Its as easy as that!

By Lily


  1. I had a friend who said I had to change so we could be best friends and I said no to her

  2. Lily, you are the most amazing individual with a huge heart and a very clever brain. I love the way you care about everyone else and all of the birds and animals as well. I know you would love a baby goat, and I hope that we can make that happen for you. I am so proud to be your Mum. I love you with all of my heart. Mummy xxxx

  3. Wise words Lily! Remember them well as you grow up ....its going to be very tempting to change ...not just for friends. Only change your ways when someone or something inspires you and you think that change will make you even better ....!!!

    Loving your blog!

  4. I agree Lily, you have put your finger on an important truth. Although the challenge is to accept others "as they are". Loving your blog!

  5. I agree Lily, you have hit on an important truth, well done. Loving your blog!
