Wednesday, 19 September 2012

Lily's Speech

Bloated stomachs, bones jutting out of sagging skin, sunken in eyes and pitiful cries...what am I talking about... hunger. There are 7 billion people in the world. With an estimated 925 million hungry people in the world, this means 1 in 7 people are hungry. I I know what you’re probably thinking you’re probably thinking well who cares its not our problem. Well, no. You’re wrong. It is our problem. I’m here to tell you where, why and how it’s our problem that all over the world hundreds of children die and suffer

You are probably thinking to yourself what is hunger what does it mean? Well I’m here to tell you. Hunger means lack for food which means they don't get enough food and go hungry. You probably think hungry means that they don’t eat for a couple of hours. It actually means they haven’t eaten for a few DAYS OR WEEKS! I mean how unfair!

Children that suffer from hunger, will probably live in Africa, Asia and other dry countries. I mean, have you even seen these  children? Their so hungry they look like living skeletons roaming the streets asking for food! We NEED to fix this.  It is our problem.

How they suffer is, in your human body, we need nutrition. To get nutrition you need to eat different types of food that are good for you. All these children have malnutrition. That means they have no nutrition. That’s one thing you call a problem. it is our problem that all over the world children suffer from hunger.

They suffer from hunger because their countries are poor. I think one of the reasons they are poor is because their government spent all their money on the country in a bad way so that means they haven’t used it wisely. They have raised food prices.  In my opinion, I say why. Why does it have to be this way? I mean, bad governmental choices? WHY!!!!!!!!  It is our problem.

We are all the same in this world we are all equal. So why make bad choices? Why rise food prices? Why do some people  Children like me feel very sad when they hear another child has died from hunger. If you had a leftover sandwich that hasn’t been eaten think about the African children that only get one meal a day or one meal a week! It is our problem.

So what can you do?  Plan for a sustainable future? Sponsor a child.  Take a stand by spending money wisely.  Make good choices and appreciate your three meals a day - and that isn’t including all that junk food you probably eat.  Another thing that you can do TODAY is visit  It is a website that has word challenges and every question you get right you donate ten grains of rice to those poor children who don’t get any food - and go hungry.  I donated 6 bowls of rice in 15 minutes.  THAT is making a difference.

These are a few of the things you can do to help these children that have this thing called hunger. So, save the children - it is our problem

By Lily

1 comment:

  1. Your intro makes me shiver and it must be scary seeing them like that.
